API, Microservices
API, Microservices
The microservice architectural style is an approach to building a specific application as a suite of individual services where each of the services run its own process.
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Application Programming Interface that software uses to access data, server software or other application. Further elaborated it allows two applications to talk to each other. APIs are very adaptable and can be used on web-based systems, operating systems, database systems and computer hardware. APIs allow developers collaborate with application’s data and its functionality. This creates a channel of communication between all the system applications that in place and thus creating a unified platform that allows end users to use applications from different platforms. This is the current global movement which enables usage of all the latest trending Apps on our mobiles etc.
Easier to Build and Maintain Apps. Organized Around Business Capabilities. Improved Productivity and Speed. Flexibility in Using Technologies and Scalability Autonomous & Cross-functional Teams
It is an architectural style for modern web apps where the functionality is broken down up into smaller segments. Each of these segments are singular, self-sufficient applications. The main reason for the current market to advance and evolve towards Microservices are, they are much easier to develop, integrate, and maintain. Initially allowing you to build applications step-by-step and it Also allows the users to work on each component separately so that we can add or improvise on existing segments with out breaking the entire flow of the application. This allows faster ways of Development in shorter cycles, since each team has its own bound content, and they can work quicky and in an independent manner. These individual components run their own process and communicate with other respective components thus creating a full-scale functioning application. This is where we have the Microservices bridge the communication through API’s.
To sum it up, Microservices are an architectural style for web applications, where the functionality is segregated into individual web services and APIs are the frameworks through which developers can interact with a web application. At Ascend InfoTech we have proven industry standard implementation of Microservices / API’s